
Wine war of words on Twitter: Dressner v. Dexheimer on full disclosure

Anyone who Tweets about wine knows that there is a great deal of interesting content and comment to be mined on Twitter. The site is also a repository for self-serving, promotional and, yes, conflicted material being put out there in 140 characters or less. I use it to point out my stories on this blog, as do many other twitter_newbird_boxed_whiteonbluewine writers vis-à-vis their Web sites, blogs and other outlets. (Then  there’s the whole commercial side of the business that’s also vying for attention.) Transparency, of course, is key to one’s credibility in wine or any other kind of journalism. And Twitter is at least a quasi-journalistic vehicle, a place where writers, including professional journalists and many others, are disseminating information for public consumption.

But Twitter, like other social media forums, is not governed by editors, as traditional news and information outlets are. This lack of oversight is liberating on one hand but problematic on the other in that it is harder for the audience -- “followers” on Twitter – to known exactly where the writer is coming from. Yes, one can (and should) look at a “bio” on Twitter to understand the perspective and background of the Tweeter. But the bios only go so far, and the more I read about wine on Twitter, the more I feel that greater disclosure is needed, even in 140 words or less or, perhaps more to the point, precisely because a Tweet is 140 words or less.

What got me thinking about all of this was a fascinating exchange of Tweets in recent days between Joe Dressner, the well-known New York importer, and Fred Dexheimer, a master sommelier who is also a spokesman for wine trade groups, including Wines of Chile and the wines of South West France. (Full disclosure: I know both of them, having written about many Dressner wines over the years in my MSNBC.com column, and having moderated, for a fee, a panel discussion on the wines of South West France that included Fred Dexheimer.)

What appears to have started the exchange was this Tweet from Dexheimer:

FredDexMS (Juiceman)

@FredDexMS FredDexMS (Juiceman)

RT @astorcenter: Get recommendations on new and noteworthy warm weather wines from a Master Sommelier (@FredDexMS) http://bit.ly/fJJGH0

It quickly drew these Tweets from Dressner:


@joedressner joedressner

@FredDexMS Maybe it would be useful to note that you're being paid to write how awesome all these wines are?


@joedressner joedressner

@FredDexMS @astorcenter A Master Sommelier who is being paid by the producers to give the recommendations.

To which Dexheimer responded:

FredDexMS (Juiceman)

@FredDexMS FredDexMS (Juiceman)

@joedressner @mmWine Always transparent. Chile, SW France, Toro & many others r clients I work with. I even tweet about nonclients... ;-)

It continued:


@joedressner joedressner

@FredDexMS All I see from you is how awesome the wines are from producers that are clearly your clients, without you noting so. Shame.


@joedressner joedressner

@FredDexMS Where on the web does it say you are being paid for your commentary. Imagine, you bragging that you even recommend non-clients

FredDexMS (Juiceman)

@FredDexMS FredDexMS (Juiceman)

@joedressner I am the speaker for Wines of Chile (90 wineries) have been for 2 years now. I educate & promote 4 whole country! #lovemyjob


@joedressner joedressner

@FredDexMS Wow! Global domination! What other countries! All 90 wineries have good wine? Hard to imagine.

FredDexMS (Juiceman)

@FredDexMS FredDexMS (Juiceman)

@joedressner @joedressner I am the speaker 4 Wines of Southwest France (10 AOP's) have been for 2+ years now. I educate & promote #lovemyjob


@joedressner joedressner

@mmWine @FredDexMS Just be up front that you are being paid to give endorsements. That's all you need to do to keep your credibility.

It was one of the more healthy exchanges I have seen on Twitter, a useful reminder that when it comes to wine, as in many other things, it’s important to know where the Tweeter is coming from.


  1. dressner doesn't actually care about this given how often he encourages and financially cultivates shills for his own stuff all over the web, which he's done forever. he's just posturing because he doesn't like chilean wines. he's right about that, but here he's just showboating and probably off his meds. again.

  2. Dear Anonymous:

    As someone who is under treatment for brain cancer, I am am certainly on my "meds."

    Who have I financially cultivated and encouraged to shill the wines I import? Name one person.

    I have always talked openly about the wines I select on the web as I have other wines I love and have nothing to do with financially.

    Contributions like your posting, unsigned and anonymous, are exactly what is wrong on the unedited web. Responsible business people like Fred, who are working under someone's pay, should be held to higher standards.

    Joe Dressner

  3. I have to agree with Joe. The "anonymous" comment is a low blow, made by someone who is hiding behind the veil of anonymity that the Web all too often encourages. That lack of transparency and accountability is exactly what gives the Internet and the so-called blogosphere its reputation as a lesser form of journalism. It's also what encourages commercial interests to exploit the "soft" targets on the Web. Have you noticed, for example, how many online wine tastings, moderated by wineries and/or their hired representatives, are offered exclusively to bloggers these days, complete with extensive commentary and "tasting notes"? I don't mean to sound like I'm on a high horse here, but there's a saying in journalism , which I have practiced professionally for many years, that everyone needs an editor. In the absence of that, self editing is the next best thing.

  4. For one of the few times in my life, I agree with Joe. You want to take shots at him, fine, but do so with your name on it.

    Joe is a big boy and will happily defend himself.

    Unless your name really is anonymously.

    Full disclosure: We sell Chilean wines imported by Joe Dressner.

  5. Joe, Ed et all,

    At first I found this mildly amusing that Joe would take the time to comment on such frivolous matters that have no concern to him. But now this has escalated to a point where my name is being smeared in a way I don't appreciate one bit!

    Anyone who knows me out there would know that I have always been 100% authentic and transparent in the way I approach the business of wine. I have never shilled products I don't believe in, EVER! I was a National Wine Director for BLT for 5 years and never took any back door deals or side deals for product placement, EVER and same goes as a speaker and educator!

    I started Juiceman Consulting 2 years ago and as many other paid educators I have a diverse range of clients (Wines of Chile & Wines, DO Toro and Southwest France to name a few) that pay me to work as an ambassador/educator for them. What I do for them spans over many mediums and what I choose to tweet is 100% my choice and is usually in the context of what I happen to be eating, drinking or where I am traveling. Go ahead, look at my Twitter feeds and see what I tweet about. I tweet cocktail recipes, beers, upcoming events I may be involved with and for others who want to get the word out, pizza and even music. And as far as Twitter is concerned, I can write whatever the hell I want to and I make a big fat $0,000 a year from Twitter! If you don't like it, don't follow me!

    I'd like to also add that I choose the clients I work with much like an importer chooses the wines they represent. When you work for yourself you need all the clients you can get and I have turned ones down that don't fit into my qualitative standards. It's a bummer to turn down money when you have a family but I DO NOT EVER shill! Nor do I review wines!

    I am not sure what Joe's issue is, but any tweet I make is 100% transparent since I don't have any specific wineries, brands or producers paying me directly. Much of the industry knows that I am the ambassador for Chile and SW France and I wear it as a badge of honor to represent these regions, winemakers and wines. I travel all over the US to speak about these clients and Twitter is an incredible way to reach and communicate large amounts of people on the subjects I am trying to get out there. Anyone who has worked with me knows that I am extremely passionate about these regions and have been since my days as a young sommelier. Not so much different than Joe's position on "Natural Wines".

    As far as Ed starting his thread with the Astor Center comment, I can say I have taught at Astor for 2 years and NEVER have shilled a client's wine in this context EVER! Just ask the crew there. I do use a Chilean Cabernet from time to time in a BLIND tasting class, as it is fair game in an MS style blind tasting along with Napa or Bordeaux Cab based wines. That's a lot different than what everyone seems to be accusing me of.

    I can ultimately understand everyone's issue with transparency but leave me out of your conversation because you have no right to accuse me of things you are accusing me of when you don't know what I do and clearly have no sense of the facts.


    Fred Dex
